Small Post Jam Progress update!

Hello and Howdy!

I initially wanted to take a break after putting out the demo, just so I could regroup my thoughts. But after how the game was received, the amazing mutuals I've made on twitter recently, and just in general running through the demo again in its entirity, i have been invigorated. 

I've mostly been prioritizing UI and accessibilty right now in my current pass. So Why not share some screenshots? 

Aside from font options, my first priority was to move that damned pesky mp3 player that shows on the screen. It was getting a bit too in the way of the text box, and after changing the text box, it only felt right to move it. That said I'm still struggling with how to change how the track names show,, so if anyone can help me out with figuring that out i would smooch ur forehead so hard

Notice another small change here, I've set up a feature early in game where you can choose your name color for how it displays in chat! There are only two options atm just so I can make sure the feature works, but I'll be adding in more and cross checking with the new custom backgrounds for each characters c hats to make sure its still legible for different types of color blindness. 

As for the font options!

I changed the default font of the game to white rabbit, but I did add in the option for both the open Dyslexic font AND atkinson hyperlegible

(at the time of posting this I have not updated menu screens yet (like this and the main menu) 

I've also commissioned some lineart for the backgrounds within the MCs house!

I commissioned line art and did the coloring myself to save the artist time (and admittedly save myself some money since all of my money goes to bills currently) 

Oh! and peep the updated text box! im still not 100% sold on it, but its definitely a step up from what it was! 

another lil change - 

Your username will display in the corner of the screen! 

Future plans? oh u betcha

Currently I'm still revamping the UI that is there and editing and tweaking the act 1 script, but act 2/year 2 is fully plotted out and waiting to have the dialogue written. 

As far as what I plan on working on next I have a very small list!

  1. Fix track title on mp3 player
  2. design a video call/screenshare ui screen 
  3. Adding in a choose your icon system! (this is actually based on a plot event ;p)
  4. Changing the text quick menu actions to themed images to fit with the desktop
  5. annnd the final one is I'm contemplating adding in some more screen language and maybe allowing players to input custom pronouns, but I know the programming will be hard so its not as high on my priority list as it could be

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yay so excited!!! The background looks stunning and the changes to the textbox looks great!


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ The background looks so goood I'm so HYPEEE